Tuesday, October 31, 2006


A pretty good Halloween. Although at one point I was in the basement and a long black light broke over my head and I went down, but luckilly I made it through the rest of the night getting people back to their homes safe in their beds with trash cans for them to throw up in next to their beds.

Pics for the far away friends:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I wish I could say I was doing something amazing tonight but alas, I have a math midterm tomorrow...and it's going to be really hard. I went to see Molly, Cam and Doro's Haunted House or rather enrty way at my house and went to Chipotle with Roxanne which was about the extent of the the fun that will be on my agenda tonight.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


I'm really really bored. And I can't leave my dorm because I've lost my U-Card and I need it to get in and out of my building. Normally I would be able to pull it off because there are people in and out all the time, but it's a Sunday so everyone just stays in their dorms and does homework,

This last week, my weekend really began on wednesday. It was Lexi's suprise birthday party and zoe was in town. We ate dinner and went over to Hunter's house with Cam and Tony and eventually went over to Lexi's. We all ate a whole bunch of crap and everyone was super wired up. We went over to Keewaydin park to play soccer with about thirty other kids. I did not join in, I decided to sit on the side with Camille and catch up, AKA talk about boys. Lexi dropped me off at about 12:30ish. Cam and Tony called me asking what I was doing. I had a paper to write so I decided to do that instead of not getting any sleep.

On Thursday I went over to...wait where did I go...yeah I went to Cam's house with Andrea. I was glad that I got to see Andrea, I haven't seen her in a good while and I miss her. We went home at like 2:30 or 3ish.

Friday night I went over to Bri's with Erin and Hill. We watched Poltergeist 3, and we watched the whole thing because we were convinced that everything would be explained in the end...I can tell you now that nohing was explained and I have no idea what happened. I went back home and watched tv till about 1:30 and went up to bed about to fall asleep when cam called me, telling me about how someone threw up in Dylan's car.

Saturday I went to a swim meet all day. Hung out with Jenna for a little while. Then I met up with Hillary and we went to Bri's and took about two hours getting ready for a toga party...basically we couldn't figure out how to tie one without it falling off or us flashing everyone. By the time we figured it out it was 11 and I had already forgotten to call cam and tell him where the party was. He got over it but he was a little TO'd at me. We all went over the the Fort for the Toga party, it was a good good time. Then Cam kept calling me saying that I should go over there afterwards. So I got a ride there and hung out with him and Angelo for an hour before we went up to bed, jumping on Tony's bed and trying to wake him up. I slept on the couch and the boys were elsewhere.

That's when I lost my ID and I need it SO bad. I know I left it at Cam's house because I remember dropping it there. Now I can't leave because I won't be able to get back in and I can't eat because you have to have your ID card to eat. It's going to be a really big hassle to get a new one because then I have to get it reprogrammed to open the pool and thats going to take like a week and well frankly it's going to be hard gettting in and out of buildings. I'm going to do some homework with Hillary later so I'll probably just leave alltogether then and get something to eat elsewhere. I called Cam but he didn't answer which totally sucks because if he had found it I could have just gone over to his house and gotten it. But he didn't and now i don't have it.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bluefly Commercial

This commerical is absolutley ridiculous. I saw it on tv once but I think it was taken off because of it's RACYNESS!!!!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Christmas rant:

Were going to Hawaii for Christmas, and as excited I am about it, I am really sad about it too.

Were not getting a Christmas tree!!! That makes me so sad! All year I was looking forward to going home for christmas and sleeping on the couch by the christmas tree...and then I found out were going to be gone for Christmas and were not getting a freaking tree!!!!! I for one am a little bit pissed because I really just wanted to sit around at home all day with my fam and go out with my friends at night for the entirety of the break. But now I have to go to freaking Hawaii...and really because were going there, I don't REALLY have something to complain about but I am for one a little bummed. I wish we were leaving like the day after Christmas or something...but I guess I have three more years of it.

Everytime I complain about it to someone they get mad because I'm going to Hawaii and I really should have nothing to complain about. I just like a white christmas is all and I like my tree!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's going to be a long long week.

It's tuesday night and again I have nothing to do. i already studied for four hours so I mean I figure it's time for a break.

I really really want my own room. I'm thinking about moving in UV apartments because there's an opening there in a friend's apartment. I can't handle this sharing with three other people shit anymore. I mean I could handle it for a while but when it really comes down to it, I have too much shit, and I need my own space for all that shit and this itty bitty dorm room just isn't enough, seeing as it's all shared between three other people. I think it would be different if there were just two of us, because then I could have like my own side of the room or something but really, four people in one room? I mean my parents didn't even torture the four of their kids that much. I thought being in a room with Molly for 10 years was the most awful experiance of my life and she wasn't even sleeping around or leaving smelly leftovers around yet. (not to say that she is doing either of those things now!)

Speaking of Molly she was on a recruiting trip here this weekend. I was tired all weekend because I think I am slowly getting sicker and sicker by the day. Kinda like the weather here, it's getting colder and colder by the day. It's supposed to snow tomorrow which depresses me. There was a swimmer that said that he was going back to Texas if it snowed before November. I guess either he just hasn't noticed for the past three years that he's lived here or he's just breaking down now because he doens't remember that if you don't like the weather in Minnesota, you should wait ten minutes. I hear it's supposed to be back in the 70's by Friday. What can I tell you? Maybe he can be convinced to stay because who likes 90 degree weather year round anyway?

I was talking to Jim today because I've decided not to go on the Training trip to Hawaii cuz I would be in Hawaii for four weeks he responded that I had no idea what I was talking about because I ad never been ot Hawaii. I figure that I'm going to go every other year of college, why do I need to go for a whopping four weeks this year? Besides Grace is coming home along with al my other friends and I want to go see Ben in Cali for the HolyDays.

That's about it, I think I need to go over to the Library and check out some books. I've been reading William Styron's "Lie Down in Darkness" and as much as I like him describing the curvature of every lightbulb the characters may gander upon, I'm looking for something less...how should I put it? Incest?

Monday, October 09, 2006

Stop and think.

I am trying so so so so so so hard not to care.
I am trying so so so so so so hard not to think about it.
I am trying so so so so so so hard to sleep.

Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind. Recall those days look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do -there will never be a day, when I won't think of you . .

Sunday, October 01, 2006

My weekend.

I'm bored. I've been studying all day and it's only 6:00 pm. I have nothing to do. There is no more studying I can do. There are no more places I can go to.

This weekend was awful in a lot of ways but completly amazing at the same time.

The bad things: 2/3rds of my roommates were outta town, therefore it was me and one other. She asked if her "friend" could stay here for the weekend. I said sure. Then on Friday night when I got home at about 1:30 totally baked there's a guy standing in my room and Meghan is nowhere to be found. The conversation that followed just about blew me away:
Me: So your going to sleep here?
Him: Yep.
Me: On the futon?
Him: No, on the bed.
Me: Oh, in Pang's bed?
Him: No, in Meghan's bed.
Me: Where's Meghan sleeping?
Him: Her bed.
Me: But your sleeping in her bed.
Him: Yeah...with her.
Me: oh...OH!

I decided that this was possibly the most uncomfortable position I have ever been. I wasn't chopped enough to realize that I had to get out of there ASAP before as my dad said "they start making humping noises." So I called me rents, they were driving Eli home from Sadies so it was cool for them to pick me up. I went home, totally pissed and totally outraged.

The next day I went to work from 9-11, then I went back to my room. I spent an hour there with "the couple" and decided that her boyfriend was the biggest freak I had ever met in my life and I decided that I don't think I've ever hated someone more than I hated him. He was talking about Modern Art adn everything that he said was completly wrong and everytime he said something he just sounded dumber and dumber. When he was talking about Modern Art I kinda snapped on him. I asked him if he knew ANYTHING whatsoever about Modern Art and whether or not he even knew what it was. I proved him wrong on about 50 of us unbacked up dumbass "opinions" and then called my Dad to go for lunch with him and Kimmy before I punched the kid in the face. No joke.

So I went back home for a while then I went to the football game. Since that was a good time, that is under the "good parts of my weekend" section to come later in this post.

So later that night Hillary said I could crash at her place because I didn't want to go back to the Sex Room that night. So the next morning I came back to my room at about 10:30 and this time rather than keeping themselves quarenteened in Meghan's bed they unfolded MY futon and were spooning half naked on it. It was gross and it ALSO cuts the room in half so I couldn't get to my desk (where my backpack and money and life is) and my bed without either touching or waking them up. So I went elsewhere and did as much homeowkr as I could do without my backpack. Took about an hour. Cam called me about lunch (we go every Sunday), so I went back to my room (it is noon now), get my jacket and they have not moved. I went out for lunch and went shopping to Everyday People with Cam and Tony, like always. Got a sweet vest! I really like it, Cam found it, he finds all my clothes. Anyway, so they are no longer spooning.

Anyway, my mom thinks that I should tell my CA. She thinks that it was nuts that she thinks that she can get away with that as she said "Did they at least put a sheet down on OUR futon before they started doing it on OUR futon!?" So she's pretty mad about the whole situation. I can't decide what I should do because I mean I could potentially get her kicked out of the drom, but I mean that jsut makes me a bitch. But then again she's a bitch too, she jsut doesn't know it because she is a sheltered piece, but I mean I would know that I was being a bitch...so what do I do? I mean I could just talk to her about it but most of the time she doesn't talk and I know I would just end up getting really frusterated because then again I would look like the bad person. But I mean I'm willing to make one of those things happen so that I don't ever have to see him again.

The Good things:
Friday: hung out with Brianni and Annalee and some friends of theirs. It was really fun and I was just so happy to see Brianni, it had really been too long!
Saturday:I went to the football game with Alex, Hillary (Divers), and Brittney (swimmer) and we met up with a bunch of the male Gymnists. Then we went over to this kids house, then we left for "The Fort" which is a bunch of swimmer boys' house. It was realy fun, I had a good time and I really got to know more people which was really cool. This kid that I literally haven't seen in three years from swimming at Twin ran up to me and was like "I know you! Your Elinor Belk!" and I totally didn't recognize hi at first but when I did it was really funny and I realized that regardless of how hot he still is (he actualyl got hotter) that he was wearing blue camo pants and that really made me laugh. Someone freaked out on me because he couldn't decide what he wanted to call me from three choices that I gave him: El, Ellie, or Elinor. He got mad when he figured out that I liked being called Ellie the least, thankfully he decided on El because Elinor is too long apparently. Hillary and I got wall humped by Nico, and sang London Bridges wherever we walked. It was overall an amazing night.